@article{oai:suzuka.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001349, author = {儀賀, 美智子 and GIGA, Michiko}, journal = {鈴鹿国際大学紀要Campana, Suzuka International University journal campana}, month = {Jan}, note = {The essence of etiquette lies in an individual's thoughtfulness towards others, which is expressed in the form of manners. Manners are exercised based on an individual's will, that is not, by any means, to be enforced by laws or through coercion. Just as it is common sense to wear clothes in public, we should practice manners and etiquette on a daily basis in order for all of us in a society to live in harmony. The word etiquette was introduced to Japan after World War II. Contrary to general belief, the word is not English, but is of French origin and first appeared in 1387 A.D. The term was originally used to describe a placard that would guide guests visiting the French royal courts. The word transformed over time to encapsulate all acts of being considerate towards others. That is the meaning of the word etiquette that we know today. Reigisahou (rei-gi-sa-ho) is the Japanese word for etiquette, and also has its origin in courtly manners. Modern manners come from a hierarchical society that has created an order of ranks, and instilled a sense of respect towards the higher ranked individuals. It is necessary for the Japanese people who play an active role in this modern international society to understand the differences in manners among various cultures in and outside of Japan. We will investigate the different manners around the world by taking an in-depth look at their cultures and comparing them., 9, KJ00005073330, 研究論文, Research Paper}, pages = {73--86}, title = {日本と諸外国とのマナーの比較 : 文化のギャップがビジネスに及ぼす影響}, volume = {14}, year = {2007}, yomi = {ギガ, ミチコ} }