@article{oai:suzuka.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001376, author = {前田, 直人 and MAEDA, Naoto}, journal = {鈴鹿国際大学紀要Campana, Suzuka International University journal campana}, month = {Mar}, note = {This paper focuses on the transformation of Architecture in Xishuangbanna, China. The tourism development in Xishuangbanna emphasized the protection of the ethnic culture. However, the actual state of preservation in a village was delayed, if not hardly witnessed. In the mean time, a lot of people have rebuilt their houses without government authorization. Recently, the government of Xishuangbanna accelerated its call to protect elements of village culture, such as traditional architecture and fashions. Since this time, the reconstruction of houses has come to be severely criticized. In a tourism area in the village, a number of newly rebuilt houses were demolished. In recent years however, the mode of traditional architecture has shifted from house building to repair and restoration of interiors. This has been made possible by local government subsidies to the people living in the area., 10, KJ00004723235, 研究論文, Research Paper}, pages = {99--111}, title = {民族建築と観光開発 : 中国・西双版納州における家屋の変容}, volume = {13}, year = {2007}, yomi = {マエダ, ナオト} }