@article{oai:suzuka.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001380, author = {渡邊, 優生 and WATANABE, Yuuki}, journal = {鈴鹿国際大学紀要Campana, Suzuka International University journal campana}, month = {Mar}, note = {It is well known that in response to the increase of foreigners in Japan, many volunteer associations have developed to teach foreigners Japanese. Additionally, in recent years the term Multicultural Coexistence is often heard. In this paper I intend to consider Japanese language volunteer activities in City A from the perspective of Multicultural Coexistence. I will also discuss the social role of Japanese language volunteers after analyzing their current role within Japanese society. Finally, I intend to investigate the current problems of Japanese language volunteers and connect these issues to activities that can be put into practice in the future., 14, KJ00004723239, 研究ノート, Research Note}, pages = {151--168}, title = {多文化共生を目指した地域日本語交流活動 : 地域日本語ボランティアの新設と日々の活動からの考察}, volume = {13}, year = {2007}, yomi = {ワタナベ, ユウキ} }