@article{oai:suzuka.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001431, author = {大本, 達也 and OMOTO, Tatsuya}, journal = {鈴鹿国際大学紀要Campana, Suzuka International University journal campana}, month = {Mar}, note = {This paper aims to clarify the role of literary criticism/study in the formation of literature. At first, we will assess three features making modern literature possible. And next, we will examine the change of literature's meaning in English. Last, we will interpret the relationship between the literary canonization and criticism/study., 7, KJ00006921159, 研究論文, Research Paper}, pages = {35--46}, title = {「ブンガク」 ト 「ブンガクヒヒョウ・ケンキュウ」(1) -メイジキ ニオケル 「ブンガク」 ノ ケイセイカテイ ヲ メグル コクミンコッカロン(8)-}, volume = {17}, year = {2011}, yomi = {オオモト, タツヤ} }