@article{oai:suzuka.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001467, author = {大本, 達也 and OMOTO, Tatsuya}, journal = {鈴鹿国際大学紀要Campana, Suzuka International University journal campana}, month = {Mar}, note = {This paper aims to clarify the activities of novelists (Gesakusha) in the early Meiji era. First, we will assesstheir actions before and after the proclamation of the three educational constitution articles (Sanjou no kyouken).Next, we will discuss the social situation of Gesakusha during this time. Third, we will determine the causes of thechanges in their activities that were accompanied by the publication of newspapers aimed towards the general public(Ko-shinbun). Fourth, we will interpret their understanding of imagination and fact in their writings. Fifth, wewill examine the meaning of the appearance of their serials (Tsuzuki-mono) in Ko-shinbun., 10, KJ00008333519, 研究論文, Research Paper}, pages = {95--106}, title = {メイジ ショキ ニ オケル ゲサクシャ ト ソノ ドウコウ -メイジキ ニ オケル 「ブンガク」 ノ ケイセイカテイ ヲ メグル コクミンコッカロン 10-}, volume = {19}, year = {2013}, yomi = {オオモト, タツヤ} }