@article{oai:suzuka.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001729, author = {山田, 芳子 and 福永, 峰子 and 梅原, 頼子 and 乾, 陽子 and 川村, 亜由美 and 藤原, いすず and 田中, 治夫 and YAMADA, Yoshiko and FUKUNAGA, Mineko and UMEHARA, Yoriko and INUI, Yoko and KAWAMURA, Ayumi and FUJIWARA, Isuzu and TANAKA, Haruo}, journal = {鈴鹿国際大学短期大学部紀要, Journal of Suzuka International University Junior College}, month = {Jan}, note = {本学食物栄養専攻生女子75名を対象にお弁当箱食事法を用い、青年期の学生が食事の全体量と料理のバランス感覚をつかめるようになり、自分にとっての適量が把握できているかを調べた。結果は次のとおりである。1)3種類のお弁当箱(360ml、520ml、650ml)を用意し、日常よく利用されるお弁当を作り、容量とエネルギー量がほぼ同じであることを認めた。2)学生のお弁当箱は、3種類中、520mlを適量サイズとした。3)PFCエネルギー比率は、3種類とも目標量を過不足なく満たしていた。4)適量サイズを選んだ学生は45.3%であった。5)選んだお弁当箱のエネルギー量の見当は、3種類とも400~800kcalの回答が多かった。6)お弁当箱の表面積比は、望ましいとされるバランスの主食3・主菜1・副菜2が約40%であった。, The 75 students majoring in Food and Nutrition at our university came to be able to grasp a whole amount of food and the sense of balance of the dish by using the lunch box meal method, and whether the proper quantity was understood by each student was examined. The result was as follows. 1) Three kinds of lunch boxes (360ml,520ml,650ml) were prepared, and lunch was prepared as in daily life. It was admitted that the capacity and the amount of energy were almost the same. 2) The proper size for students was 520ml among the three types of lunch boxes. 3) As to PFC energy ratio, the three lunch boxes satisfied the amounts of the target sufficiently. 4) The student who had chosen the proper quantity of lunch box was 45.3%. 5) We asked the students to estimate the energy amount of the lunch they selected, and the most common answer was 400~800kcal for all the types of lunch boxes. 6) When the student was requested to choose the surface area ratio of the lunch boxes, the ideal ratio, the staple food: main dish: side dish = 3:1:2, was about 40%., 12, KJ00005175641}, pages = {95--103}, title = {お弁当箱食事法による栄養教育について : 第3報}, volume = {26}, year = {2006}, yomi = {ヤマダ, ヨシコ and フクナガ, ミネコ and ウメハラ, ヨリコ and イヌイ, ヨウコ and カワムラ, アユミ and フジワラ, イスズ and タナカ, ハルオ} }