@article{oai:suzuka.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001748, author = {川又, 俊則 and KAWAMATA, Toshinori}, journal = {鈴鹿短期大学紀要, Journal of Suzuka Junior College}, month = {Jan}, note = {Students acquired each qualification in the Suzuka junior college, and it became professionals, and go away into society. The education in the Suzuka junior college is not only specialized education. Citizenship education used as the foundation is also performed. General education is divided into the liberal arts education in the university which trains the elitean, and the citizenship education in a general university. The Suzuka junior college wants to propose the education which also includes liberal arts on citizenship education as new added value, although an ordinary student gathers., 1, KJ00006319520, 論文}, pages = {1--19}, title = {タンキダイガク ニオケル キョウヨウキョウイク ノ カノウセイ リベラルアーツ ト シミンテキ キョウヨウ}, volume = {27}, year = {2007}, yomi = {カワマタ, トシノリ} }